Simons and Cardi discuss the development of the topic of confinement (false imprisonment) in the area of intentional torts to persons.

When Is a Confinement a Tort?
2018 | W. Jonathan Cardi, Kenneth W. Simons
2018 | W. Jonathan Cardi, Kenneth W. Simons
Simons and Cardi discuss the development of the topic of confinement (false imprisonment) in the area of intentional torts to persons.
2018 | Ward Farnsworth
Ward Farnsworth covers the history of the economic loss doctrine as it relates to tort loss.
2018 | Ward Farnsworth
Ward Farnsworth elaborates on the topic of interference with economic relationships and how it converges with contract law.
2017 | W. Jonathan Cardi, Kenneth W. Simons
The Reporter and Associate Reporter for the Restatement of the Law Third, Torts: Intentional Torts to Persons discuss the topics of battery, assault, and confinement.
2016 | Ward Farnsworth
The Reporter for Restatement of the Law Third, Torts: Liability for Economic Harm provides a detailed explanation of economic torts and describes the confusion surrounding this area of tort law.