Found 18 Videos

100th Anniversary Program: Social Media and Democracy, 2023 Annual Meeting

Panelists discuss social media and democracy at the 2023 Annual Meeting.

Unexampled Courage: Michelle Childs Interviews Author Richard Gergel, 2023 Annual Meeting

Childs interviews Gergel for a special program at the 2023 Annual Meeting about his book, Unexampled Courage.

Annual Meeting Reception: The State of Democracy in the United States, 2023 Annual Meeting

Panelists discuss the state of democracy in the United States.

John Minor Wisdom Award: Margaret H. Marshall and Mary M. Schroeder, 2023 Annual Meeting

Marshall and Schroeder are presented the John Minor Wisdom Award.

Distinguished Service Award: Roberta Cooper Ramo

Ramo is presented with the Distinguished Service Award at the 2023 ALI Annual Meeting.

Henry J. Friendly Medal: John G. Roberts, Jr.

Roberts receives Henry J. Friendly Medal at the 2023 Annual Meeting.

ALI’s 2023 Annual Meeting and 100th Anniversary Celebrations

ALI President Levi celebrates the Institute’s 100th Anniversary at the 2023 Annual Meeting.

ALI’s 100th Anniversary and the 2023 Annual Meeting

ALI Council members share why they are looking forward to the 2023 Annual Meeting where we will celebrate the Institute’s 100th Anniversary.