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Medical Decisions, Corporal Punishment, and Parents’ Rights
Associate Reporters for Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law elaborate on the balance of protecting children while respecting parental rights, pluralism, and family integrity.

Annual Meeting Program: Organizations and Crisis Management
Panel discussion on what in-house and outside lawyers should do to assess and manage the situation when an organization is surprised by a negative event that may be material.

Presentation of the 1992 Class Gift
The 1992 Class Gift is presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 2017 Annual Dinner Speaker
ALI President Roberta Cooper Ramo in conversation with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during the 2017 Annual Dinner.

Linda A. Klein: Remarks from the 2017 Annual Meeting
Klein speaks at the 2017 ALI Annual Meeting.

Wesley Williams Jr.: Tuesday Luncheon Speaker, 2017 Annual Meeting
Williams Jr. addresses members on the topic of “Life After or Apart from Law Practice.”

Thomas C. Goldstein: Wednesday Luncheon Speaker, 2017 Annual Meeting
Goldstein speaks at the Wednesday luncheon on the closing day of the 2017 ALI Annual Meeting.

David W. Rivkin: Remarks from the 2017 Annual Meeting
Rivkin, IBA Immediate Past President, reflects on lessons learned during his time as IBA president.

Henry J. Friendly Medal: Conrad K. Harper
Harper is presented the Friendly Medal at the 2017 Annual Meeting.

Early Career Scholar: Daniel Schwarcz
The Wednesday morning session of the 2017 Annual Meeting included the presentation of the Early Career Scholars Medal to Co-Recipient Daniel Schwarcz.
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