Overview of Tentative Draft No. 5 by Erin E. Murphy | 2021Erin Murphy provides background and a short description of every provision in TD No. 5.
Mens Rea Throughout the Model Penal Code by Erin E. Murphy | 2021Murphy addresses how mental states are addressed in the 1962 Model Penal Code and how this affects updates to the Sexual Assault section.
The Grading of Offenses by Erin E. Murphy | 2021Erin Murphy explains the grading of offenses addressed in Model Penal Code: Sexual Assault and Related Offenses.
Conflict of Laws: Choice of Law (Foreign Law) by Christopher A. Whytock | 2021Whytock on the challenges courts face when choice of law rules direct the application of the law of a foreign jurisdiction.
Conflict of Laws: Domicile by Laura E. Little | 2021Laura Little discusses how changes in modern lifestyles have challenged the domicile concept.
Property Torts and Restatement Fourth of Property by John C.P. Goldberg, Henry E. Smith | 2021Project Reporters discuss the connection property torts has to both Restatements of Torts and Property.
Bailments and the Restatement Fourth of Property by Christopher M. Newman | 2021Christopher Newman explains addressing bailment law in Restatement Fourth of Property.