Principles for a Data Economy Conference 2021: Data Rights 2021 | Panel, Special Event, Special FeaturePanel One from the second day of the two-day conference on Principles for a Data Economy.
Principles for a Data Economy Conference 2021: Data Contracts 2021 | Panel, Special Event, Special FeaturePanel Two from the first day of the two-day conference on Principles for a Data Economy.
Principles for a Data Economy Conference 2021: History of the Principles, Definitions and Underlying Concepts 2021 | Panel, Special Event, Special FeaturePanel One from the first day of the two-day conference on Principles for a Data Economy.
Principles for a Data Economy Conference 2021: Opening Speeches & Welcome Address 2021 | Panel, Special Event, Special FeatureWelcome remarks from the two-day conference on Principles for a Data Economy.
Data in a Modern Economy 2021 | Project FeaturesWendehorst, Cohen, and Thomas discuss the evolution of the way data is used in the modern economy.
Principles for a Data Economy: A Joint Venture 2021 | Project FeaturesA conversation on how this joint venture between ALI and ELI will help approach questions related to data.