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Found 268 Videos

Henry J. Friendly Medal: William H. Webster

Webster is presented the Friendly Medal at the 2013 Annual Meeting.

Helaine M. Barnett: Tuesday Luncheon Speaker, 2009 Annual Meeting

Barnett addresses members during the Tuesday luncheon at the 2009 ALI Annual Meeting.

Arlen Specter: Wednesday Luncheon Speaker, 2009 Annual Meeting

Specter addresses Wednesday luncheon guests at the 2009 ALI Annual Meeting.

Henry J. Friendly Medal: Nicholas deB. Katzenbach

Katzenbach receives ALI’s Henry J. Friendly Medal at the 2009 Annual Meeting.

Thomas Wells: Remarks at the 2009 Annual Meeting

Wells addresses membership on the topic of access to justice at the 2009 ALI Annual Meeting

Pierre Leval: Opening Remarks, 2009 Annual Meeting

Leval provides opening remarks to the 2009 ALI Annual Meeting.

Carolyn Dineen King: Wednesday Luncheon Speaker, 2008 Annual Meeting

King discusses the appointment process for federal appellate judges.

Michael Traynor: 2008 Annual Dinner Speaker

Traynor speaks at the Annual Dinner, his last as ALI President.