Found 18 Videos

A Message from ALI President Levi on ALI’s 100th Anniversary

February 23, 2023 marks the 100th Anniversary of The American Law Institute. In celebration of this milestone, ALI President David F. Levi thanks the hard work and commitment of our membership. The work accomplished in the last century would not have been possible without the dedication of our members.

Happy 100th Anniversary, ALI!

In celebration of ALI’s 100th Anniversary on February 23, 2023, members of the ALI Council take a moment to thank ALI members for their dedication to ALI’s mission to clarify, modernize, and improve the law.

Harold Hongju Koh: Wednesday Luncheon Speaker, 2023 Annual Meeting

Koh addresses members on the topic of law and the Russian-Ukraine War.

Presentation of the 1998 Class Gift

The 1998 Class Gift is presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting.

Gerard E. Lynch: Tuesday Luncheon Speaker, 2023 Annual Meeting

Lynch addresses members on the role of The American Law Institute in an age of skepticism.

David F. Levi and Diane P. Wood, Monday Luncheon Discussion, 2023 Annual Meeting

Monday’s new member luncheon featured a Q&A with ALI Director Wood and ALI President Levi. 

Early Career Scholars Presentation: Francis X. Shen

Shen presents on “How Neuroscience Will Change the Law.”

Early Career Scholars Presentation: Ashley Deeks

Deeks presents on the topic of “The Double Black Box: National Security, AI and Democratic Accountability.”

100th Anniversary Program: Role of Technology in Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice, 2023 Annual Meeting

Panelists discuss on the role of technology in dispute resolution and access to justice.

100th Anniversary Program: The American Law Institute – A Centennial History, 2023 Annual Meeting

Panelists explore ALI’s founding, examining some of the Institute’s most influential projects, and contemplating adoption and criticism of our work so far.