This video pays tribute to Revesz’s work as ALI director.
Featuring Diane P. Wood
Distinguished Service Award: Roberta Cooper Ramo
2023 | 2023 Annual Meeting, All Annual Meetings, Award
Ramo is presented with the Distinguished Service Award at the 2023 ALI Annual Meeting.
David F. Levi and Diane P. Wood, Monday Luncheon Discussion, 2023 Annual Meeting
2023 | 2023 Annual Meeting, All Annual Meetings, Event
Monday’s new member luncheon featured a Q&A with ALI Director Wood and ALI President Levi.
Happy 100th Anniversary, ALI!
2023 | 2023 Annual Meeting, All Annual Meetings, Inside the ALI
In celebration of ALI’s 100th Anniversary on February 23, 2023, members of the ALI Council take a moment to thank ALI members for their dedication to ALI’s mission to clarify, modernize, and improve the law.
The Public’s Confidence in the Supreme Court
2022 | Reasonably Speaking, SCOTUS, Special Feature
This episode brings together U.S. federal judges in a conversation about judging, and the perception of the U.S. Supreme Court in particular, because of the loss of confidence by the American people in the Court.
Wisconsin Law Review Symposium 2021: Federal-Tribal Relations in the Restatement of the Law of American Indians
2021 | Panel, Special Event, Special Feature
Panel One from the first day of the two-day symposium.
Coping with COVID: How Courts Are Preserving Access to Justice
2020 | Reasonably Speaking, Special Feature
State and federal judges discuss how courts are continuing to administer justice during the pandemic.
Lance Liebman
2019 | Inside the ALI, Leadership
Leibman, ALI’s Director from 1999 to 2014, is celebrated by his colleagues and the ALI membership in this video.
The Boskey Motion
2019 | Inside the ALI, Leadership
A reflection on the importance of the Boskey Motion to the progress of ALI projects.
In Memoriam: Bennett Boskey
2016 | All Annual Meetings, Event, Inside the ALI, Leadership
This video was presented at the 2016 ALI Annual Meeting to honor Bennett Boskey’s service to the Institute.