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Found 265 Videos
Corporal Punishment and Physical Abuse
2018 | Emily Buss, Clare Huntington
Associate Reporters for Restatement of the Law, Children and the Law explain corporal punishment in the Restatement.
Plain Meaning and Ambiguity
2018 | Tom Baker
Tom Baker discusses the adoption of a plain meaning rule for the Restatement of the Law, Liability Insurance.
When Is a Confinement a Tort?
2018 | W. Jonathan Cardi, Kenneth W. Simons
Simons and Cardi discuss the development of the topic of confinement (false imprisonment) in the area of intentional torts to persons.
Courts and Arbitral Proceedings
2018 | George A. Bermann, Christopher R. Drahozal
Bermann and Drahozal discuss the role courts may play throughout the lifecycle of arbitral proceedings.
Inside the ALI: 2018 Annual Meeting
2018 | José F. Anderson, W. Jonathan Cardi, Aya Gruber
ALI members discuss the contribution the Institute and its members make to the rule of law.
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