Search Results

Inside the ALI: A. James Casner
Casner served as Reporter and Adviser for more than half a century on several ALI projects.

The Story of ALI: U.S. Foreign Relations Law
Paul Stephan and William Dodge reflect on the meaningful history of the Restatement of the Law, The Foreign Relations Law of the United States.

Lance Liebman
Leibman, ALI’s Director from 1999 to 2014, is celebrated by his colleagues and the ALI membership in this video.

David F. Levi
ALI’s 10th President addresses what he’s most looking forward to accomplishing during his tenure.

Roberta Cooper Ramo
ALI colleagues discuss Ramo’s tenure as ALI President.

What Is the Uniform Commercial Code?
A discussion about how the UCC has promoted safe, predictable, reliable commerce for businesses and consumers throughout the United States.

Trial Manual for the Defense of Criminal Cases
Randy Hertz on how the Trial Manual provides public defenders the information they need as easily as possible.

Strict Liability
Kenneth Simons discusses the history of strict liability as it relates to § 402A in the Restatement of the Law Second, Torts.

The Prudent Investor Rule
Robert Sitkoff details the history and evolution of the fiduciary law that led to the Prudent Investor Rule and its continuing influence today.

The Boskey Motion
A reflection on the importance of the Boskey Motion to the progress of ALI projects.
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