Project Spotlight: Torts, Remedies by Douglas Laycock, Richard L. Hasen | 2024Examining how states may vary when awarding damages, Reports Laycock and Hasen discuss TD No. 3 of Restatement Third of Torts: Remedies.
Free Speech on Campus by David F. Levi, Geoffrey R. Stone | 2024ALI President David F. Levi is joined by constitutional law expert Geoffrey R. Stone of University of Chicago Law School to discuss speech on campus.
Richard L. Revesz: ALI Director 2014-2022 by John B. Bellinger III, Ivan Fong, Paul L. Friedman, Samuel Issacharoff, Wallace B. Jefferson, Carolyn B. Kuhl, Carol F. Lee, David F. Levi, Raymond J. Lohier, Margaret H. Marshall, Judith A. Miller, Janet Napolitano, Roberta Cooper Ramo, Richard L. Revesz, Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, Lee H. Rosenthal, Steven O. Weise, Diane P. Wood | 2023This video pays tribute to Revesz’s work as ALI director.
ALI’s 2023 Annual Meeting and 100th Anniversary Celebrations by David F. Levi | 2023ALI President Levi celebrates the Institute’s 100th Anniversary at the 2023 Annual Meeting.
100th Anniversary Program: Role of Technology in Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice, 2023 Annual Meeting by David Freeman Engstrom, Bridget Mary McCormack, Colin Rule, Rebecca L. Sandefur | 2023Panelists discuss on the role of technology in dispute resolution and access to justice.
100th Anniversary Program: The American Law Institute – A Centennial History, 2023 Annual Meeting by Richard R.W. Brooks, Deborah A. DeMott, Andrew S. Gold, Robert W. Gordon, G. Edward White | 2023Panelists explore ALI’s founding, examining some of the Institute’s most influential projects, and contemplating adoption and criticism of our work so far.
John Minor Wisdom Award: Margaret H. Marshall and Mary M. Schroeder, 2023 Annual Meeting by Wallace B. Jefferson, Margaret H. Marshall, Mary M. Schroeder, Michael Traynor | 2023Marshall and Schroeder are presented the John Minor Wisdom Award.