Found 265 Videos

100th Anniversary Program: Role of Technology in Dispute Resolution and Access to Justice, 2023 Annual Meeting

Panelists discuss on the role of technology in dispute resolution and access to justice.

ALI’s 2023 Annual Meeting and 100th Anniversary Celebrations

ALI President Levi celebrates the Institute’s 100th Anniversary at the 2023 Annual Meeting.

Richard L. Revesz: ALI Director 2014-2022

This video pays tribute to Revesz’s work as ALI director.

Free Speech on Campus

ALI President David F. Levi is joined by constitutional law expert Geoffrey R. Stone of University of Chicago Law School to discuss speech on campus.

Project Spotlight: Torts, Remedies

Examining how states may vary when awarding damages, Reports Laycock and Hasen discuss TD No. 3 of Restatement Third of Torts: Remedies.

The Role of a Project’s Advisers Group

Edward Rock explains the important role the project’s Advisers group plays and how their expertise and perspective will contribute to the project’s success.

Project Spotlight: Remedies in Tort Law

Reporters Laycock and Hasen explain how the role of remedies has developed over time within the Torts Restatements and the impact remedies have on a case.

Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers and Pamela S. Karlan: Monday Luncheon Discussion, 2024 Annual Meeting

Rogers discusses one of the Institute’s newest projects with Karlan.

A Discussion with ‘Shortlisted’ Authors Renee Knake Jefferson and Hannah Brenner Johnson (2024 Annual Meeting)

Wood discusses the book Shortlisted with authors Knake Jefferson and Brenner Johnson.

John Minor Wisdom Award: Thelton E. Henderson

Henderson is presented the John Minor Wisdom Award at the 2024 ALI Annual Meeting.