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The Anatomy of a Restatement
Tom Baker explains the various parts of a Restatement and cites the goal and purpose of each component.

Reflections on the Newly Completed Restatement of International Arbitration
Jack Coe on the topic “Reflections on the Newly Completed Restatement of International Arbitration.”

Early Career Scholar: Michelle Wilde Anderson
The Early Career Scholars Medal is presented to Michelle Wilde Anderson, followed by a presentation by Anderson.

51 Imperfect Solutions: States and the Making of American Constitutional Law
This event featuring a panel of judges was a 2019 Annual Meeting Sunday Program.

Distinguished Service Award: Carol F. Lee
Lee is presented the Distinguished Service Award at the 2019 ALI Annual Meeting.

Alberto Ibargüen: Wednesday Luncheon Speaker, 2019 Annual Meeting
Ibargüen discusses the topic of “Trust, Media, and Democracy.”

Lee H. Rosenthal: Tuesday Luncheon Speaker, 2019 Annual Meeting
Rosenthal addresses members on the topic of “Aspiration, Ambition, and my 25 years with the ALI.”

William P. Barr: 2019 Annual Dinner Speaker
Barr addresses dinner guests at the 2019 ALI Annual Dinner.

Presentation of the 1994 Class Gift
The 1994 Class Gift is presented at the 2019 Annual Meeting.

Visionaries: ALI Documentary
The American Law Institute was selected to be profiled by Visionaries, a nonprofit educational organization, in its 22nd season.
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