Search Results

Looking Ahead: International Commercial and Investor-State Arbitration
Project Reporters discuss what to expect from the 2019 Proposed Final Draft.

Attending the Annual Meeting
ALI members describe the atmosphere at the ALI Annual Meeting.

Changes in the Use of Personal Data
Project Reporters discuss the developing concerns and changes in the use of personal data.

Charitable Organizations, Law, and Society
Jill Horwitz and Marion Fremont-Smith provide a glimpse into the law of charitable nonprofits.

Restrictions on Charitable Assets
Jill Horwitz and Nancy McLaughlin discuss restrictions on charitable assets.

Inside the ALI: 2019 Annual Meeting
Gary Sasso explains the importance of ALI member participation at the Annual Meeting.

The Model Penal Code
Erin Murphy and Samuel Buell discuss the impact and influence of the Model Penal Code on U.S. law.

May It Please the Court: SCOTUS Perspectives from Leading Supreme Court Advocates
Douglas Laycock moderates an insightful conversation between two U.S. Supreme Court appellate lawyers.

Coming to Terms with Consumer Contracts
Omri Ben-Shahar and Florencia Marotta-Wurgler discuss several types of consumer contracts.

The Decline of the Death Penalty
This episode examines the history and explores the future of the death penalty in the United States.
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