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Race and Policing Part 1: History, Training Programs, and Police as First Responders
This episode explores the intersection of race and policing in the United States.

Responding to Sexual Assault Allegations on Campus
This episode explores how schools are implementing procedures to respond to campus sexual and gender-based misconduct.

Race and Policing Part 2: Predictive Policing, Funding Priorities, and Working Toward a Solution
This episode explores the history of race relations in the United States and the future of predictive policing.

Long Road to Hard Truth: The 100 Year Mission to Create the National Museum of African American History and Culture
Robert Wilkins discusses his book about the making of the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

Why Is Defining Consent So Difficult?
This episode includes a discussion on consent, criminal law, and sexual assault.

Henry J. Friendly Medal: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg receives the Henry J. Friendly Medal at the 2018 ALI Annual Meeting.

Henry J. Friendly Medal: Anthony M. Kennedy
Justice Kennedy receives the Friendly Medal at the 2019 Annual Meeting.

Legal Minefields for Driverless Cars
Alan B. Morrison leads a program discussion at the 2018 ALI Annual Meeting that includes different topics on self-driving cars.

A Reporter’s Perspective: Ward Farnsworth
Ward Farnsworth shares what it’s like to be an ALI Reporter.

A Reporter’s Perspective: Kyle Logue
Kyle Logue speaks at the Early Career Scholars Medal Conference: The Future of Insurance Law and Regulation.
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