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Geoffrey R. Stone: 2016 Annual Dinner Speaker
Stone discusses topic of “Free Speech on Campus” at the 2016 Annual Dinner.

William H. Pryor Jr.: Wednesday Luncheon Speaker, 2016 Annual Meeting
Pryor Jr. discusses federal sentencing guidelines and offers his thoughts on potential solutions before the membership at the 2016 ALI Annual Meeting.

Sonia Sotomayor: 2016 Annual Meeting Guest Speaker
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor discusses the Court’s process when handling a case and answers various questions from the audience at the 2016 Annual Meeting.

Paulette Brown: Remarks at the 2016 Annual Meeting
Brown addresses membership at the 2016 ALI Annual Meeting on the topic of “Reclaiming the Promise of ‘And Justice for All.’”

Understanding the Restatement of Charitable Nonprofit Organizations
Horwitz provides an overview of the project’s scope and how a Restatement can provide much needed clarification to this field of law.

Aggregate Litigation Outside of Article III Courts: Panel One
2016 Early Career Scholar Conference, Panel 1: Aggregate Litigation Outside of Article III Courts

Judicial Power and its Limits in Multidistrict Litigation: Panel Two
2016 Early Career Scholar Conference, Panel 2: Judicial Power and its Limits in Multidistrict Litigation

Individuals within the Aggregate: Panel Three
2016 Early Career Scholar Conference, Panel 3: Individuals within the Aggregate

The Future of Group Litigation: Panel Four
2016 Early Career Scholar Conference, Panel 4: The Future of Group Litigation

The Importance of International Law
The Reporters and Coordinating Reporter for the Restatement of the Law Fourth, The Foreign Relations Law of the United States discuss the history of international decision making by the U.S..
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