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Conflict of Laws: Domicile
Laura Little discusses how changes in modern lifestyles have challenged the domicile concept.

Beyond Covid: Election 2020: Post-Election Litigation
ALI President David F. Levi is joined by three former solicitors general to discuss the topic of election litigation and reflect upon the unconventional challenges faced in the 2020 presidential election.

Property Torts and Restatement Fourth of Property
Project Reporters discuss the connection property torts has to both Restatements of Torts and Property.

Bailments and the Restatement Fourth of Property
Christopher Newman explains addressing bailment law in Restatement Fourth of Property.

Data Economy in the Real World
Christiane Wendehorst navigates through an example of data economy issues in the real world.

Data in a Modern Economy
Wendehorst, Cohen, and Thomas discuss the evolution of the way data is used in the modern economy.

Principles for a Data Economy: A Joint Venture
A conversation on how this joint venture between ALI and ELI will help approach questions related to data.

Understanding the Restatement of Copyright Law
Pierre N. Leval (2nd Circuit) discusses the Restatement of the Law, Copyright.

Beyond COVID: The U.S. Presidency: Looking Forward
Top scholars in U.S. presidency and political science discuss the history of the U.S. presidency and its future “post–Trump.”

Coping with COVID: Legal Services Organizations on the Front Lines
Leaders in legal services organizations discuss how COVID has exacerbated assisting people with critical legal needs.
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