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Found 265 Videos

Reporters’ Guide 2020: Property

Project Reporters provide an overview of Tentative Draft No. 1.

Reporters’ Guide 2020: Conflict of Laws

Project Reporters provide an overview of Tentative Draft No. 1.

Charles Alan Wright

Douglas Laycock remembers late ALI President Charles Alan Wright and reflects on Wright’s influence on his work in the field of Remedies.

Reporters’ Guide 2020: Intentional Torts to Persons

Project Reporters walk through portions of Tentative Draft No. 5.

§213.10 Permission to Use Force

Richard Cunningham discusses § 213.10 and how it relates to the rights and injustices that occur in the non-traditional sexual communities.

Guiding Investigations and Proceedings in Campus Disciplinary Procedures

Deborah Tuerkheimer discusses the Principles of the Law, Student Sexual Misconduct project.

Children and the Law: Protecting the Vulnerable in a Time of Crisis

This episode features a discussion on child advocacy and the juvenile justice system during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Medical Malpractice in the Restatement Third of Torts

This episode explores medical malpractice as it relates to Restatement Third of Torts: Concluding Provisions.

Consent and Sexual Assault in Criminal v. Tort Law

This episode addresses how “consent” is, and should be, defined in sexual assault allegations.

Election 2020: When Are Results Official and What Happens if Results Are Disputed

Panelists discuss the legal challenges leading up to the 2020 Presidential election.